Jul 1, 2009
Survey Red Mango Indonesia - Dapatkan Blackberry
Red Mango Frozen Yogurt buka pertama di Indonesia tgl 18 Juli bulan depan di Mal Taman Anggrek Lt. 4 ( di samping Popeye ). Disediakan 2 macam,Blakberry Bold dan Javelin. Mau mencoba ? !!Good Luck!!
Jun 5, 2009
Tips Merawat Notebook atau Laptop
Tips Merawat Notebook atau Laptop
1. Jangan menggunakan notebook di dekat air atau di tempat yang lembab.
2. Hindarkan notebook dari getaran atau goncangan.
3. Jangan meletakkan notebook pada tempat atau dudukan yang tidak rata/tidak stabil.
4. Hindarkan notebook dari tempat yang panas atau terkena sinar matahari secara langsung.
5. Jangan meletakkan notebook yang dapat menghalangi atau menutupi ventilasi,yang berfungsi untuk mengeluarkan panas yang berlebihan pada notebook.
6. Jangan makan atau minum didekat notebook.
7. Jangan pernah mencoba untuk membongkar notebook sendiri, bila mengalami kerusakan bawalah ke dealer atau service center.
8. Jangan meletakkan benda apapun,apalagi yang berat diatas notebook.
9. Jangan meletakkan benda atau perangkat yang mengandung atau menghasilkan medan magnet /medan elektromagnet yang kuat disekitar notebook, misalnya handphone.
10. Jangan membanting layar notebook saat anda menutupnya.
11.Bersihkan notebook dengan kain yang halus dan bersih secara hati-hati.Untuk bagian yang sulit dijangkau gunakan kuas lembut atau bisa juga menggunakan mini vacuum cleaner.
Tips Merawat Layar
1. Biarkan penutup notebook dalam keadaan terbuka sekitar 10 menit setelah notebook dimatikan, hal ini karena pada keyboard masih dalam keadaan panas.
2. Jangan menunjuk sesuatu pada layar dengan jari atau pulpen karena dapat meninggalkan bekas.
3. Matikan notebook lalu bersihkan layar dengan kain yang lembut dan basahi kain dengan sedikit cairan pembersih khusus LCD/cleaning kit. Jangan menyemprotkan cairan langsung ke layar.
4. Jangan menekan layar terlalu keras saat membersihkan layar. Bersihkan perlahan dan searah,misalnya dari kiri ke kanan atau dari atas ke bawah.
5. Kalau perlu gunakan pelindung layar atau screen guard protector yang dapat anda beli di toko komputer.
Tips Merawat Baterai
1. Lepas baterai jika tidak digunakan dalam waktu yang lama,lalu simpan ditempat yang sejuk dan kering.Pastikan notebook dalam keadaan mati saat melepaskannya.
2. Jangan meletakkan baterai di tempat yang memiliki suhu diatas 60 derajat C.
3. Apabila anda memiliki baterai cadangan,gunakanlah secara bergantian. Selalu gunakan baterai yang direkomendasikan oleh notebook anda.Matikan daya sebelum melepas atau mengganti baterai.
4. Jangan membiarkan baterai di notebook anda dalam 1 bulan tanpa menghubungkannya ke AC Adaptor.
5.Jangan buang atau bongkar baterai kedalam api atau ke tempat sampah kalau bisa lakukan daur ulang.
Rawatlah notebook kesayangan anda,agar tetap awet untuk waktu yang lebih lama.
May 21, 2009
BlackBerry Storm (Touchscreen Smartphone)
BlackBerry Storm dengan fitur yang fantastis dengan resolusi layar tinggi (480 x360) yang luar biasa dan inovatif multi-touch UI. The Storm's touchscreen fitur BlackBerry yang disebut clicktrough, yang artinya,Anda harus menekan ke bawah sampai mendengar bunyi klik untuk menggunakan menu-menu,dalam sebuah teori layar BlackBerry adalah just one big button.
Fitur-fitur lain dari BlackBerry Storm termasuk built-in GPS system, media player, kamera 3.2MP, BlackBerry Maps, sebuah audio jack 3.5mm dan kapasitas memori yang bisa diupgrade hingga 16GB. Satu hal yang pasti adalah bahwa BlackBerry Storm adalah media dan hiburan yang friendly mobile phone.
untuk akses internet,BlackBerry Storm memasukkan EDGE, GPRS dan HSDPA untuk internet super cepat sehingga Anda dapat cepat dan tidak akan repot mengakses situs seperti MySpace, Bebo dan Facebook serta yang paling penting adalah akses e-mail yang cepat.
May 17, 2009
Linkworth (Affiliate Program)
Untuk mendaftar ada beberapa pilihan yaitu sebagai advertiser,partner,atau combo (advertiser dan partner).Proses di-approve atau tidaknya blog kita akan diberitahukan lewat e-mail maksimal 2 hari.
Sistem pembagian hasilnya adalah basic (70:30) dan preffered (50:50),kalau memiih basic berarti penghasilan untuk anda 70% dan linkworth 30% sedangkan preffered ya fifthy - fifthy.Anda bisa mengganti dari basic ke preffered setelah anda mendaftar karena secara default adalah basic.
Berbagai pilihan pembayaran :
Menerima pembayaran bulanan dengan bussiness check,direct deposit,bank to bank Wire,atau paypal.
Check akan dikirimkan sesuai identitas/alamat anda pada saat mendaftar,terlebih dahulu akan ada pemberitahuan lewat e-mail.Minimum pembayaran adalah $ 100 untuk jenis pembayaran ini.
Direct deposit tidak memiliki biaya untuk partner dan hanya tersedia untuk account bank yang berlokasi di Amerika Serikat. LinkWorth meliputi biaya minimal direct deposit. Minimum pembayaran adalah $ 100 untuk jenis pembayaran ini.
Bank to Bank Wire hanya tersedia untuk bank yang berlokasi di Amerika Serikat. Biaya bank wire ini sekarang $ 20. Minimum pembayaran untuk metode ini adalah $ 100.
Paypal tersedia untuk setiap dan semua partner yang tidak diperlukan biaya dari LinkWorth . Minimum pembayaran untuk Paypal adalah $ 25.
Beberapa program yang ditawarkan oleh Linkworth (partner) adalah :
1.LinkAds (text based advertising) - iklan berbasis text
2.LinkPost (paid blog posts) - review tentang produk advertiser
3.LinkWords (in-content ppc advertising) -
LinkWords membayar per klik iklan, yang berarti Anda mendapatkan persentase dari penghasilan setiap kali seseorang mengklik iklan advertisement
4.LinkinTxt (in-text advertising) - inovasi terbaru dari LinkWorth menggabungkan link yang relevan, halaman popularitas dan lalu lintas langsung ke dalam satu unit iklan.
5.LinkBB (hosted content advertising) - billboard internet. Pengiklan menulis halaman konten dengan link ke produk dan layanan mereka. Setelah Anda menyetujui konten, halaman konten sebagai host di situs Web anda, lengkap dengan template.
6.LinkSura (single-url rotating ads)
7.LinkMura (multi-url rotating ads)
8.LinkPack (packaged linkads)
9.LinkDir (directory submission service)
10.LinkArt (article submission service)
11.LinkPress (distributed press release)
Untuk penjelasan lainnya dapat anda lihat pada control center di member area.
Linkworth juga memiliki kelebihan yaitu adanya layanan "My Tools" yang digunakan untuk mengetahui posisi website/blog kita ,untuk mengetahui harga link di blog/website menurut standar linkworth,untuk mengetahui popularitas website/blog.tool-tool tersebut antara lain meta tag,kw density,buy direct,se position,site link,dan linquote.
Bila anda berminat silahkan mendaftar.FREE!!!
May 16, 2009
CHITIKA (Affiliate Program)
Chitika ads dapat digunakan bersamaan dengan google adsense karena : pertama - Chitika ad units are NOT contextual dan kedua - Chitika ad units do NOT look like AdSense units
Ads Chitika premium secara default hanya akan muncul apabila ada trafik dari search engine yang berasal dari negara US dan canada, jadi kita tidak bisa melihat ads kita di blog/website dan tidak semua impression dihitung.
chitika akan membayar melalui akun Paypal setelah mencapai batas minimal payout($10) atau check setelah mencapai batas minimal payout($50)
Chitika sebagai pengganti atau alternative lain selain google adsense patut anda coba.
Jika anda berminat silahkan mendaftar disini
May 12, 2009
Tips Merawat Printer Supaya Lebih Awet
Berikut beberapa tips mengenai cara merawat printer secara mudah dan murah, dan ditanggung, printer Anda sehat dan bisa bekerja lebih maksimal.
Gunakan Printer secara Periodik
Untuk mencegah kualitas cetakan yang buruk, gunakan printer Anda secara periodik sedikitnya 2-3 kali seminggu. Hal ini akan membuat aliran tinta dari lubang tetap lancar. Jika Anda termasuk jarang menggunakan printer, barangkali Anda perlu secarik kertas untuk mengingatkan Anda mencetak dengan tinta warna atau hitam putih sedikitnya 2 kali seminggu untuk menjaga kelancaran aliran tinta.
Matikan Printer Jika Tidak Digunakan
Jangan lupa untuk selalu mematikan printer jika tidak digunakan. Hal ini akan mencegah menutupnya lubang-lubang aliran tinta dalam kepala printer.
Bersihkan Kotoran dalam Printer
Bersihkan bagian dalam printer setiap satu atau dua minggu, tergantung seberapa sering dan seberapa banyak Anda menggunakan printer. Hal ini akan menjaga kemampuan printer Anda dalam mencetak. Jangan lupa mengamati apakah ada benda-benda yang tertinggal di dalam printer seperti penjepit kertas dan sebagainya. Jangan simpan printer di tempat berdebu atau penuh serangga. Jika memang tempatnya berdebu, ada baiknya bungkus printer dengan plastik untuk melindunginya dari kotoran.
Jagalah Cartridge dengan Baik Ketika Mengganti Tinta
Cartridge printer dipenuhi penghubung listrik yang halus. Benda ini mungkin rusak jika diperlakukan sembarangan. Bisa jadi sinyalnya dengan komputer menjadi putus atau hasil cetakannya buruk. Karena itu, perlakukan cartridge dengan hati-hati.
Gunakan Diagnostic Tools
Seluruh printer mempunyai software pertolongan tentang bagaimana merawat atau mengatasi permasalahan mengenai printer tersebut. Sediakan waktu mempelajarinya. Mungkin saja informasi yang disediakan bisa menolong Anda mengatasi permasalahan dalam printer Anda.
Matikan Printer Jika Gagal Mencetak
Kegagalan dalam mencetak atau error message yang kadang muncul, terkadang bisa diatasi dengan mematikan tombol printer, kemudian mencabut kabel daya sedikitnya selama sepuluh menit. Setelah itu, masukkan lagi kabel daya tersebut pada colokannya, nyalakan printer dan cobalah mencetak kembali. Cara seperti ini seringkali mampu mengatasi kegagalan mencetak dengan baik.
sumber : ketok.com
Tips Bekerja Sehat Dengan Komputer
Padahal secepat atau seaman apapun komputer mereka, akan menjadi kontraproduktif bila posisi tubuh mereka salah, saat bekerja di depan komputer.
Berikut ini hal-hal penting yang harus diperhatikan:
Posisi duduk
- Posisi paha horizontal, sejajar dengan lantai
- Posisi telapak kaki menapak ke tanah. Bila tidak, berarti posisi duduk Anda terlalu tinggi
- Bantalan kursi menopang punggung bagian bawah, sehingga punggung tetap tegak
- Rubah posisi duduk Anda secara berkala selama bekerja, karena duduk dalam posisi yang tetap dalam jangka waktu lama bisa menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan
- Punggung santai tapi tidak membungkuk
- kepala tak membungkuk atau terlalu condong ke depan
-Pastikan layar monitor dalam kondisi bersih, sehingga tak ada noda yang menghalangi pandangan mata
-Atur setelan brighthness dan kontras layar secukupnya sehingga nyaman bagi mat
-Atur posisi tak layar monitor agar tak memantulkan cahaya yang menyilaukan mata
-Atur posisi bagian atas layar sejajar atau sedikit di bawah pandangan mata
-Jarak antara mata ke layar antara 50-60 cm
Posisi Meja
- Letakkan keyboard pada posisi yang membuat lengan terasa rileks
- Posisi siku dengan meja membentuk sudut 90 derajat
- Pergelangan tangan pada posisi netral, lurus dan nyaman
- Saat mengetik, pergelangan tangan berada pada posisi yang tetap, namun bisa menjangkau tombol keyboard dengan jari
- Tempatkan tetikus/ mouse dekat dengan keyboard, sehingga tak perlu menggerakan tangan terlalu jauh untuk meraihnya
Sumber: iGaul
PayPal mengatasi kekurangan dalam pengiriman uang tradisional seperti Cek atau Money order yang prosesnya dapat memakan waktu PayPal seperti rekening bank, pertama anda membuat account, lalu mengisi account tersebut dengan dana dari kartu kredit atau transferan dana dari account paypal orang lain ke balance paypal anda, dan anda sudah dapat menggunakan account PayPal untuk bertransaksi. Februari 2008 PayPal sudah menerima 190 negara dan 16 mata uang, pengguna PayPal Indonesia masih harus menggunakan hitungan US dollar karena rupiah belum ada di PayPal.
Ebay adalah tempat lelang/jual-beli/pasar-online terbesar didunia, dengan pengguna lebih dari 200 juta orang di seluruh dunia (data juni 2006), anda dapat mencari dan membeli apapun, mulai dari barang elektronik, kendaraan, hingga barang-barang langka dari seluruh pengguna ebay didunia, cara pembayaran utama di Ebay adalah dengan PayPal karena lebih aman dan otomatis, meskipun ada penjual yang menerima pembayaran dengan cara lain.
Pendaftaran Paypal
Sebelum mulai mendaftar, siapkan data-data anda untuk membuat account PayPal seperti Email, Nama, Alamat, Telp, Nomor kartu kredit (Pastikan Nama, Alamat, Telp yang akan anda isi untuk pendaftaran sama dengan data pada kartu kredit anda)
1. Ke situs www.paypal.com
2. Klik SignUp untuk mendaftar
3. Selanjutnya ada pilihan negara, karena anda di Indonesia pilih Indonesia. Lalu pilih tipe account yang anda inginkan, untuk pendaftar baru di Indonesia disarankan memilih yang personal account dahulu, anda dapat Upgrade kemudian ke tipe Premiere account atau Business account dengan mudah dan gratis sesuai kebutuhan. Setelah itu tekan Continue
4. Selanjutnya masukan informasi anda seperti Nama, Alamat, Telp, Email (Pastikan Nama, Alamat, Telp yang anda isi untuk pendaftaran sama dengan data kartu kredit anda)
Untuk mata uang biarkan tetap U.S. Dollars karena Rupiah belum ada
Contoh penulisan nomor Telepon yang benar : 02177755555 atau 021-77755555 atau 62-21-77755555
Contoh penulisan nomor Mobile phone yang benar : 08123456789
Email yang anda masukan akan menjadi username PayPal anda untuk login atau bertransaksi menggunakan PayPal kemudian.
Isi Password anda dengan kombinasi huruf dan angka, minimal 8 karakter
Pada Password Recovery pilih dan isikan 2 pertanyaan dan jawaban pribadi untuk mendapatkan password anda kembali jika suatu saat anda lupa password
Baca lagi User Agreement dan Privacy Policy jika diperlukan, lalu beri tanda centang pada Yes, dan ketikan kode pengaman yang berwarna kuning pada kolom yang tersedia tanpa spasi.
Periksa lagi dan pastikan Nama, Alamat, Telp yang anda isi sesuai dengan data kartu kredit anda, jika sudah yakin tekan Sign Up
5. Dibagian selanjutnya diinstruksikan untuk memasukan Nomor kartu kredit anda yang akan digunakan untuk memasukan dana ke account PayPal anda, Jika sudah klik Add Card.
Jika anda tidak ingin memasukan data kartu kredit anda sekarang klik Cancel, anda dapat memasukan data kartu kredit anda kemudian setelah login di halaman My Account
4. Anda akan menerima email konfirmasi bahwa anda telah mendaftar dan untuk mengaktifkan account PayPal, buka email dari PayPal tersebut dan klik link konfirmasi yang terdapat didalamnya untuk konfirmasi bahwa anda adalah pemilik email tersebut
5. Setelah itu anda akan dibawa kembali ke situs PayPal lagi dan masukan password anda lagi (anda harus memasukan password anda setiap ke situs PayPal) lalu ikuti langkah selanjutnya, setelah itu anda akan masuk ke halaman My Account
6. Jika anda sudah memasukan data kartu kredit di halaman My Account akan ada bacaan Expanded option (pilihan), baca dengan teliti instruksinya, anda di instruksikan untuk menekan tombol Get Number untuk menjadi Verified member PayPal (Kebenaran alamat anda sudah di cek oleh PayPal)
Pilihan 1 : Untuk mendaftar menjadi Verified member PayPal sekarang tekan tombol Get Number untuk mendapatkan 4 digit kode keamanan dari PayPal, yang akan dikirimkan kedalam statement bulanan kartu kredit anda selanjutnya, kartu kredit anda akan di charge $1.95 USD untuk keperluan ini. Tujuan mengirimkan kode keamanan PayPal ini adalah untuk memastikan bahwa alamat yang anda berikan adalah benar (bukan alamat fiksi belaka)
Jika anda sudah mendapatkan 4 digit kode keamanan tersebut dari statement bulanan kartu kredit anda, login dengan account PayPal anda, kemudian dihalaman My Account klik bagian Activate Account - Complete Expanded Use Enrollment, setelah anda memasukan 4 digit kode keamanan tersebut account paypal anda akan menjadi Verified member dan akan ditambahkan $1.95 USD kedalam account PayPal anda otomatis karena menjadi Verified member, jadi hitung-hitung gratis. Setelah anda mengklik tombol Get Number anda akan dibawa ke halaman My Account....
Pilihan 2 : Jika anda tidak ingin menjadi Verified member sekarang lewatkan bagian Expanded Version ini, klik bagian Activate Account lain waktu dihalaman My Account setelah login untuk mendaftar menjadi Verified member agar limit dana anda tidak dibatasi, setelah anda melewatkan bagian Expanded Version anda akan dibawa ke halaman My Account....
Catatan :
Sekarang anda sudah mempunyai account PayPal Unverified account untuk melakukan pembayaran atau mengirim uang ke account PayPal lain dengan limit $100 USD (atau mungkin lebih pada beberapa account tergantung kartu kredit yang digunakan), serta dapat menerima uang dari account PayPal lain dengan limit terbatas. Untuk menghilangkan limit Account paypal anda harus menjadi Verified member (Kebenaran alamat anda sudah di cek oleh PayPal) dengan cara mengikuti Langkah No.6 diatas
Dengan Unverified PayPal anda belum bisa withdraw ke rekening bank atau kartu kredit anda. Untuk bisa withdraw menarik uang dari balance paypal, anda sudah harus menjadi verified member.
Jika anda belum memasukan atau ingin menambah kartu kredit, login dengan account PayPal anda dan ke My Account -- Profile --Add or Edit Credit Card
Kartu Kredit Yang Diterima Paypal
Berikut kartu kredit Indoneisa yang telah pernah dicoba, dan diterima oleh Paypal:
- HSBC Visa
- BNI Visa
- Mandiri Visa
- Citibank Mastercard
- BCA Visa & Mastercard
- BRI Mastercard
Catatan :
Hasil pada setiap kartu tidak selalu sama, usia kartu, limit kartu, atau faktor lain dapat menentukan kartu anda diterima atau tidak. PayPal juga menerima kartu debit atau ATM dengan logo visa electron, tapi tidak semua kartu bisa.
Mengirim uang ke account Paypal orang lain
Anda dapat mentransfer uang ke account PayPal lain :
1. Login ke website PayPal http://www.PayPal.com
2. Ke My Account --Send Money lalu isi formulir pengiriman uang dengan email PayPal tujuan serta jumlah transfer, dan ikuti intruksi selanjutnya
Membayar barang lelang yang di listing di ebay :
Ke My Account --Send Money --Pay for eBay Items, Login dengan user ID dan password ebay anda dan ikuti instruksi selanjutnya.
Catatan :
Jika anda masih menjadi PayPal Unverified member, account PayPal anda masih dibatasi dengan limit $100 USD untuk melakukan pembayaran atau mengirim uang ke account PayPal lain, untuk menghilangkan limit Account PayPal anda harus menjadi Verified member (Kebenaran alamat anda sudah di cek oleh PayPal).
Withdraw ke rekening Bank lokal Indonesia
Syarat dan ketentuan withdraw paypal ke rekening bank lokal:
1. Untuk bisa withdraw anda harus :
- Sudah menjadi verified member
- Memiliki rekening bank lokal di indonesia, seperti BCA, Mandiri, Lippo bank, dll atas nama pemegang Paypal tsb. Dana withdraw akan dimasukan kedalam rekening tsb.
2. Bank lokal yang anda pakai harus dapat menerima Rupiah
3. Diperlukan 5-7 hari kerja atau mungkin lebih tergantung Bank anda untuk memproses withdraw
4. Terdapat minimal jumlah withdraw, yaitu $10 USD atau Rp100.000
5. Terdapat biaya fee setiap anda withdraw, yaitu sekitar Rp16.000 untuk withdraw dibawah Rp1.500.000, gratis biaya fee jika withdraw minimal Rp1.500.000 atau lebih
Memasukan rekening bank lokal anda pada account paypal anda:
1. Login ke situs www.paypal.com
2. Ke My Account --Profile --Add or Edit Bank Account
3. Isi data rekening bank dan informasi Bank lokal anda.
Untuk kolom Bank code (Sandi Bank Penerima) adalah 7 digit angka (terdiri dari 3 angka Sandi Bank + 4 angka Kode cabang Bank tempat membuat rekening)
Catatan 1. Bank code nama lainnya di Indonesia adalah nomor kliring bank, jadi anda juga dapat menanyakan nomor kliring cabang bank anda saja yang mempunyai 7 digit angka agar lebih mudah
Catatan 2. Kode cabang bank bukanlah kode SWIFT bank, untuk mendapatkan nomor Kode cabang Bank anda yang benar kunjungi situs Bank nya atau hubungi bank yang bersangkutan.
Sandi Bank-Bank di Indonesia:
1. BCA - BANK CENTRAL ASIA = 014 (Cari kode cabang bank BCA di http://www.klikbca.com/individual/silver/network.html )
------Daftar Lengkapnya lihat di sini
Langkah untuk withdraw menarik uang dari balance paypal
Sebelum dapat withdraw ke rekening bank, anda sudah harus memasukan rekening bank lokal anda pada account paypal anda dahulu sebelumnya, seperti langkah diatas.
1. Ke situs www.paypal.com
2. Ke My Account --Withdraw --Withdraw funds to your bank account
3. Masukan jumlah dana yang ingin di withdraw dalam dollar (akan di convert menjadi rupiah di rekening bank anda oleh pihak bank anda otomatis)
4. Klik continue dan ikuti langkah selanjutnya
5. Dana akan masuk rekening bank anda dalam 5-7 hari kerja atau mungkin lebih tergantung Bank yang bersangkutan
Sumber: paypalindonesia.com
May 5, 2009

Nehalem mikroarsitektur memiliki banyak fitur baru yang ditanamkan kedalam Core i7:
- The new LGA 1366 socket is incompatible with earlier processors.
- On-die memory controller: the memory is directly connected to the processor. It is called the uncore part and runs at a different clock (uncore clock) of execution cores.
- Three channel memory: each channel can support one or two DDR3 DIMMs. Motherboards for Core i7 generally have three, four (3+1) or six DIMM slots.
- Support for DDR3 only.
- No ECC support.
- The front side bus has been replaced by the Intel QuickPath Interconnect interface. Motherboards must use a chipset that supports QuickPath.
- The following caches:
- 32 KB L1 instruction and 32 KB L1 data cache per core
- 256 KB L2 cache (combined instruction and data) per core
- 8 MB L3 (combined instruction and data) "inclusive", shared by all cores
- Single-die device: all four cores, the memory controller, and all cache are on a single die.
- "Turbo Boost" technology allows all active cores to intelligently clock themselves up in steps of 133 MHz over the design clock rate as long as the CPU's predetermined thermal and electrical requirements are still met.
- Re-implemented Hyper-threading. Each of the four cores can process up to two threads simultaneously, so the processor appears to the OS as eight CPUs. This feature was present in the older NetBurst microarchitecture but was dropped in Core.
- Only one QuickPath interface: not intended for multi-processor motherboards.
- 45nm process technology.
- 731M transistors.
- 263 mm2 Die size.
- Sophisticated power management can place an unused core in a zero-power mode.
- Support for SSE4.2 & SSE4.1 instruction sets.
Intel Quick Path Interconnect (QPI) merupakan teknologi interkoneksi antara prosesor dengan chipset yang menggantikan teknologi Front Side Bus (FSB) yang digunakan pada generasi prosesor Intel sebelumnya. Teknologi QPI ini memberikan kecepatan dan bandwidth koneksi yang jauh lebih besar daripada teknologi FSB.
Intel Turbo Boost Technology adalah teknologi yang secara otomatis memungkinkan setiap core pada prosesor berbasis Nehalem untuk berjalan pada clock yang lebih tinggi dari spesifikasi apabila kita menjalankan program aplikasi single-threading sehingga kinerja yang dicapai sama baiknya dengan aplikasi yang telah multithreading.
Jenis-jenis processor intel i7 yang telah dirilis dan yang akan dirilis,diantaranya adalah :
May 2, 2009
Mengenal Monitor LCD

- Konsumsi listrik rendah/hemat energi sekitar 35-60 watt.
- Tidak menghasilkan radiasi elektromagnet yang menggangu kesehatan.
Seperti diketahui bahwa monitor-monitor terdahulu memancarkan radiasi yang sangat kuat dan jika dalam jangka waktu yang lama dapat menyebabkan gangguan pada mata seperti mata lelah,mata merah dan bisa membuat orang yang sebelumnya tidak berkacamata menjadi berkacamata (seperti saya sendiri). Dengan adanya inovasi pada teknologi monitor LCD, pancaran radiasi dapat direduksi secara maksimal sehingga mata tidak lagi panas saat bekerja dengan monitor LCD meski dengan pengaturan brightness/contrast yang tinggi.
- Tidak menimbulkan efek kedipan (flicker free)
- Area layarnya optimum karena tidak termakan untuk bezel/frame.
- Tidak memakan banyak tempat.
Space atau ruang penataan monitor di meja yang jauh lebih leluasa jika menggunakan monitor LCD. Kita tidak lagi dibingungkan saat kita harus meletakkan bahan kerja di meja komputer ,karena bentuknya yang ramping,dan mudah dibawa kemanapun.
- Bentuknya stylish , berkesan modern dan enak dilihat
- Sinyal gambar digital
- Harganya lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan monitor CRT
- Kualitas gambar yang dihasilkan belum sebaik monitor CRT
- Resolusi gambar yang dihasilkan lebih rendah dibandingkan monitor CRT
- Sudut viewable-nya terbatas. Begitu kita mengeset sudut pandang, gambar terlihat akan berubah di mata kita.
Apr 30, 2009
Sony Ericsson W901, Siap Deteksi Senyum Anda

Jaringan : GSM 850/900/1800/1900
Dimensi : 105 x 45 x 13 mm
Berat : 107 gram
Tipe Layar : TFT, 256.000 warna
Layar : 240 x 320 pixels, 2,2 inci
Nada Dering : Poliponik, MP3
Card Slot : Memory Stick Micro
Transfer Data : GPRS kelas 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps; EDGE kelas 10, 236.8 kbps
Layanan Pesan : SMS, MMS, Email, IM
Browser : WAP 2.0/HTML (NetFront), RSS reader
Kamera : 5 megapiksel, 2.592 x 1.944 piksel, autofokus, xenon flash, video
Fitur Lain : Google maps, Motion-based games, FM radio dengan RDS, MP3/ AAC/MPEG4 player, TrackID music recognition, Picture editor/ blogging, YouTube application, Organiser, Built-in handsfree, Voice memo/dial, Java MIDP 2.0
Baterai : Li-Po
Waktu Siaga : hingga 430 jam
Waktu Bicara : hingga 9.5 jam
Meningkatkan Pagerank:
Beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan pagerank:
- Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa PR adalah popularitas link blog kita, jadi untuk mendapatkannya kita mencoba membangun sebuah projek backlink (Tukeran link).Sebuah situs dengan pagerank yang tinggi biasanya memiliki banyak situs yang menuju kepada situs tersebut. Jadi sebuah situs yang bagus, misalnya detik.com, tentu banyak situs lain yang memiliki link kepada detik.com. Hal tersebut akan menaikkan pagerank dari detik.com. Semakin banyak link dari situs lain, google akan mengganggap situs anda semakin penting. Banyak pihak yang mencoba melakukan trik-trik ilegal dengan membuat banyak link-link ke website anda. Jangan lakukan itu, karena google akan mengetahuinya cepat atau lambat.
- Buatlah artikel atau bisnis yang baik. Ketika artikel atau bisnis anda baik, akan banyak orang yang akan menaruh link website anda dihalamannya dengan sukarela. Misalnya jika di website anda ada berita perselingkuhan suatu artis, maka website lain mungkin akan menaruh link website anda pada halamannya memberitahu bahwa berita perselingkuhan tersebut dapat dibaca pada situs anda.
- Submit halaman anda pada search engine directories. Search engine directories adalah cara yang bagus untuk mendapatkan link yang menuju halaman anda. Contoh Search engine directories adalah Dmoz.org.
- Yang terpenting adalah suatu Update Content atau isi berita. Jika kita sering mengupdate maka kita akan mendapatkan PR dari google. Sebuah Mitos atau kenyataan ada yang mengatakan sebuah blog menggunakan blogger yang sering diupdate akan mendapatkan PR dari google.
Increase your PageRank
Cara Mendapatkan Backlink Gratis
Bertukar Link
Cara Otomatis
Ada beberapa situs yang menawarkan servis saling bertukar backlink secara otomatis antar anggotanya. Salah satu syarat mutlak untuk bisa menggunakan fasilitas ini adalah situs anda harus berbasis PHP atau ASP. Situs yang menawarkan fasilitas ini diantaranya Digitalpoint Co-Op dan RecieveLinks. Anda akan diberikan beberapa baris skrip PHP/ASP yang akan menampilkan link dari partner anda. Anda akan diberikan point setiap kali ada user yang menampilkan link partner anda. Semakin banyak poin yang anda dapatkan, maka akan semakin banyak pula backlink yang akan anda dapatkan.
Cara Manual
Cara ini mungkin sedikit lebih repot dibandingkan cara otomatis. Cara ini biasanya digunakan untuk situs yang berbasis HTML. Tetapi kelebihan dari cara ini adalah kita bisa menyeleksi dan menentukan sendiri situs mana saja yang bisa bertukar link dengan situs kita, sehingga hanya situs yang memiliki topik yang sama dan berkualitas saja yang bertaut ke situs kita. Caranya dengan menghubungi pemilik situs yang kita targetkan. Anda bisa mencari situs target dengan googling atau lewat forum-forum komunitas seperti DigitalPoint, Adsense-ID, resep.web.id, dll.
Membuat Situs Dummy
Situs satu halaman (One Page Site)
Cara ini mungkin cara termudah dalam membuat situs dummy yang dipergunakan untuk mendapatkan backlink. Kita hanya membuat satu artikel saja, tetapi artikel kita harus benar-benar berkualitas agar menciptakan sebuah backlink yang berkualitas pula. Anda bisa membuat situs dummy seperti di Google Pages, Squidoo ataupun Geocities. Bisa juga anda membuat sebuah artikel di Indobloggers yang didalamnya anda sisipkan link dari situs-situs anda.
Situs Kecil (Small Site)
Biasanya dipergunakan sebagai small site adalah hosting gratisan atau blog network gratis seperti Blogger, Wordpress, blog dari Friendster atau Myspace, blogher atau layanan blog gratis lainnya. Small site tidak menuntut update situs terlalu sering asalkan topik yang kita buat masih berhubungan dengan situs utama kita.
Lain-lain (Other Way)
Halaman Profil
Anda bisa menyisipkan backlink pada halaman profil anda. Biasanya jika kita mendaftar pada suatu forum komunitas atau servis bersama, anda akan diberikan halaman profil yang bisa menyimpan link situs anda. Contoh: Mybloglog, Forum Digitalpoint, Kaskus Forum, Forum Indonesia, dll.
Signature adalah beberapa baris kalimat yang diberikan oleh forum atau email yang berguna untuk mencerminkan siapa anda secara singkat. Anda bisa menggunakan fasilitas ini untuk menyisipkan link situs anda. Berilah kalimat yang menarik pada link signature anda, sehingga dapat menarik orang untuk meng-klik link tersebut.
Social Bookmarking
Walaupun hasilnya tidak terlalu terlihat, tetapi cara ini masih diyakini dapat menghasilkan trafik dan tentu saja backlink. Anda bisa mempertimbangkan berbagai macam social bookmarking yang menurut anda cocok untuk situs anda. Social Bookmarking yang bagis diantaranya Digg, Del.icio.us, Stumbleupon, Apply, Lintas Berita, dll.
Beberapa blog (terutama blog berbasis wordpress) sengaja memberikan penghargaan khusus terhadap para komentatornya, dengan cara menghilangkan atribut nofollow (yang merupakan bawaan wordpress) pada sistem komentar blognya. Dengan demikian blog-blog ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber backlink gratis dengan hanya memberikan komentar kedalam blog tersebut (jangan spam tentunya). Indobloggers sendiri mempergunakan sistem makilah daku kau ku kejar.
Memang banyak cara-cara untu mendapatkan backlink, untuk Yahoo! dan MSN, reputasi link mungkin tidak terlalu berpengaruh (belum), tetapi bagi Google, reputasi link sangatlah berpengaruh. Jadi jika anda ingin memiliki link untuk jangka panjang dan mempunyai pengaruh yang besar, ada baiknya anda memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi reputasi dari sebuah link.
Apr 25, 2009
Social Networking VS Search Engine Optimization
Social Networking sites can bring many visitors and potential clients to your site in a short space of time, helping you expand your client base and potentially increasing sales of your products and services at little or no extra cost to you.
Your website should have unique and informative content, keeping the user interested in your services or products. This can include giving helpful free advice, facts, using blogs, forums and links to other useful websites that your visitors will enjoy. Add signature links to forums and links to your website on your social networking profile.
Establish yourself as an online ‘ Expert’ in your particular field by answering peoples questions, giving good, sound, advice, and recommending products and services, not only just your own. This will take a little time but, once you have built a good, reliable, reputation, people will come directly to you for advice and to use your services. You are established as an ‘Expert’ in your field! – Thus increasing beneficial website traffic to your site.
Other benefits of Social Networking - Is it a place for business professionals too?
Social Networking isn’t just for ‘Business-to-Consumer’ but it’s also beneficial in building “Business-to-Business” relationships for business professionals too. Once you are established online, it’s easy to find companies and people with the similar interests and goals that will compliment your services. You can then share advice and leads, which will eventually increase your revenue and service portfolio.
Business Networking Benefits - The days of the traveling salesman are going, with most business in the 21st Century being conducted on line. When online you are able to judge a person’s level of knowledge, skills and helpfulness and you will be able to see the benefits this person can bring to your company and whether you can eventually work with them.
To summarise - Social networking in a business sense, is today’s way of attracting potential clients and interest to your site because of your specialised knowledge and skills. Combining this with SEO will develop a positive sense of helping people who appreciate your advice and will increase the number of meaningful hits to your website.
By Ben Smity
Professional Website Design Weston-Super-Mare - Website Design Weston-Super-Mare
Affordable effective - Expert Search Engine Optimisation Somerset
Social Networking with FriendWise
With FriendWise.com you will find the normal social network features as on myspace or facebook like creating a website profile, blogs, photo gallery, classifieds, istant messenger, rate photos, groups. But with FriendWise.com you will also find these additional features live chat, creating polls and taking polls also making quzzies and taking quizzes. Even send a crush alert to someone you like.
When using these feaures you will earn points with in return will give you more options a you earn points.
Here are some great easy tips to get you going on the online community social networking site FriendWise.com
Easy steps to make your FriendWise profile stand out.
As there are many users and many profiles on FriendWise, it's really important for you to have a profile that stand out from the crowd so people will want to have you as their friend, listen to your ideas/posts and mainly come back to your home page.
So, without further say, here are the steps to get more Friends on FriendWise.com
1. Photos - Ensure you pick at least two specially interesting, funny or attractive photos to your profile. It should be your own picture of yourself. If you don't have any pictures of yourself, you can use free graphics and I highly recommend animated ones. You can grab some off the web and there are many available sites like Photobucket.com for example.
How to add your picture(s) to your account. In the menu bar click MY ACCOUNT then click SETTINGS and then click Profile Picture. then just click browse and find the picture you would like to add to your main profile picture and click Upload Image. Your main pick needs to be avatar size you can do that at photobucket.com just click resize and save it to your mypictures
If you would like to add more pictures to your Gallery click MY ACCOUNT then click SUBMIT ITEMS. From there just click upload picture and you will be able to enter a title for your image and place in the catagory you would like then just click browse and find the picture you would like to add and then just click Upload Image and that's it it will show up in a couple minutes as long as the image is not to big. It needs to be website size which you can resize at photobucket.com. Each time you submit a picture to the gallery you will get a point.
Here is also what you will find under SUBMIT ITEMS. Write Blog, Create Poll and Create Quiz. For each one you make you will get a point.
2. Backgrounds - don't keep the original FriendWise layout - it's very simple. People like and remember non-standard images and backgrounds so I recommend you go to Photobucket.com and search myspace background or layouts and then look at all the available backgrounds and layouts and pick one that matches your liking. Once you found one right click with your mouse on the image and save to your computer. Applying is easy. Just click MY ACCOUNT then click SETTINGS then click Design My Profile. Then click browse and find the background that you saved to your computer and upload it.
To make the image show throughout your profile you will need to make some areas of your profile transparent. To do so click select color then chose transparent for the following Background Color, Background Main, Top Headers, Main Item Background, My Details Background. Now just click Save Profile Settings at the bottom and your background is set.
You will want to add colors to the following sections by clicking Select Colors. Here are the ones you would want to do that with Comment Background, Comment Text, Comment Header Background, and Comment Header Text.
You will now have a very nice looking profile you can see my page Click Here for example so when you are done it will look something like that.
Here is all what you will find under SETTINGS. You will be able to change Account Settings which you will be able to Change your password, e-mail address and other account info. Profile Settings Change what you want to be said on your profile. Profile Picture Change your profile picture.
3. Browse FriendWise for new users that have just joined in. Add them to your friends. This has a major benefit - if your among their first friend and you can get to know them better. Just click BROWSE and then click NEW MEMBERS.
4. Leave comments to all your friends. Comments link back to your profile and also reminds people that your there. In addition people often look at who sent the comment and visit their profile page. .You can find all comment options on the this website spacemycodes.com website. Also you can search some by subject on Photobucket.com.
5. When sending a friend request to strangers make sure you attach a message - many people are suspicious about having strangers adding as their friends and will only add you if you make a proper friendly introduction first.
6. Keep your profile updated. If there are no updates people will stop re-visiting it. If it keeps changing - people need to come back to check what's new. Don't let your profile become static.
7. Make sure you tell people about yourself on your profile a person will add you to their list if they have the same interest as you and make it honest. Let the person know what kind of person you are you don't have to give out to much info but atleast give a summary of what type of person you are and the interest that you have.
Using these tips should help you find new friends
Friendwise.com also has chat parties once a month so it makes it easy to meet new adult friends.
If you invite your friends and you can do so with INVITE at the bottom of FriendWise.com you just need to add there email and you can send a message and you will get 5 points if they join.
If you are a adult you should give the social networking site FriendWise.com a try.
By : Rich Stephenson
Rich Stephenson works with different social networking sites as SEO as well as owning different social network websites.
Apr 21, 2009
Practical Uses for GPS Technology
Since the US Department of Defense established the worldwide Global Positioning System (GPS) network, it has been put to a very wide variety of uses by governments, corporations, organizations, and individuals alike.
It has been put to good use for many years in its original, and most obvious, purpose of coordinating military operations. In fact, if it weren’t for GPS, many modern military operations and practices would simply not be possible. It is also frequently used in search-and-rescue missions as well as disaster relief efforts.
In addition to this, GPS technology has proven to be instrumental in numerous scientific research expeditions, especially in very remote regions such as mountain ranges and the north and south poles.
The other side of GPS functionality, which is sometimes forgotten, is the many uses it can be put to by individual consumers. Handheld GPS units ( http://www.gpsdevices.info/gps-handhelds.php ) and other GPS devices ( http://www.gpsdevices.info/ ) are available for sale through many ordinary retail channels, and can be very useful for a variety recreational purposes. For example, having a GPS device handy when camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, or boating can be an excellent way to ensure that you don’t get lost, even if you somehow manage to wander off course.
Another common consumer use of GPS technology is for safety security purposes. Using a GPS tracking system ( http://www.gpsdevices.info/gps-tracking-system.php ) can be an excellent way to combat crimes such as theft and kidnapping.
Apr 20, 2009
Satellite services
Satellite services
When it comes to effective communications in Israel, nothing works as well as a robust satellite in Israel. If you are making a documentary or are part of a filming crew, you obviously want the latest news and top stories to reach the audience you want. This is where the productions services in Israel can provide tremendous help to you.
Timely broadcasts
If you are making a film involving Israel, then you obviously need timely and updated TV broadcasts. This can happen only when you have access to skilled personnel, technical know-how and the right equipment. The satellite in Israel services provide a gamut of facilities for you to leverage. Right from skilled camerapersons, writers, technicians, editors, field producers, research experts, logistics frameworks as well as planning coordinators, you can have access to all of these personnel. By having native Israeli people work for your documentary or film, you can make it a sure success within budget and stringent deadlines. Whether it is about real-time TV broadcasts or effective communications these production companies in Israel can do it all for you.
Rented options
If you are working on a very tight budget and still want access to the best equipment and personnel then you can opt for the rental services in Israel. Many production and satellite in Israel companies offer you the option of renting out their equipment for set periods. Thus, you can rent the best camera equipment, filming crew personnel, skilled camerapersons and much more. You can handpick your own personal filming crew according to the kind of film you are making. The quality of satellite in Israel is top quality and you can be assured of nothing but the best. Both uplink as well as downlink services provided through satellite in Israel, you can be assured of very quick turnaround times. This makes it possible for you to deliver high quality coverage within the tightest deadlines.
Customized coverage
Depending on the kind of film or documentary, you are making the communications services in Israel can help you out. If you are making a religious film on Jewish or Christian culture in Israel, you can take help from the native TV broadcasts companies here. They know all the best religious and historic sites in and around Israel and can help you get the perfect representation of the true Israeli culture. Right from famous spots like Sea of Galilee, Mount Tabor, Nazareth, Wailing Wall, Dead Sea, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Bethlehem to many others. If you wish to see the traditional ceremonies during Bar Mitzvah and make a documentary on it, the satellite in Israel can help cover and transmit all of this information seamlessly. You can leverage the knowledge of the native productions companies here in Israel to deliver an authentic film on Israel. No matter what the subject is or how you want it covered, the communications in Israel will ensure that they deliver a top quality finished product. In addition, all of these TV broadcasts and associated services are provided at a reasonable budget.
About the Author:
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Satellite services
Solar powered lights
Solar powered lights increase security and visibility on your property. Solar lights can be very useful in gardens, deck and patio area, or any other location where electrical outlets are not available. Solar powered lights are also cost efficient and help a lot in reducing electric bills.
Rechargeable solar light batteries are charged during daylight. Once the batteries are fully charged they can produce enough energy to power the ultra bright LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) to properly illuminate your garden all night long.
Most solar powered lights come with a small solar panel on the top. A light sensor automatically controls the light from dusk to dawn. This way, there is no intervention from your part to tur on and off the light.
Not only solar powered lights produce good illumination, they are also very easy to setup. No electricity, cables or trenching is needed.
Solar lights can be installed virtually anywhere you wish. Now you can find solar light fixtures that can be installed not only in the ground but also on wall, on deck posts. You can even find hanging solar lanterns and recessed solar lights for stairs, decks and patios.
Solar powered spot lights are also available. They are very useful for accent lighting or for flag lighting. Solar flag lights are spot lights with special fixtures that mount directly on the flag pole. The Liberty Light is a very popular solar flagpole light. For more powerful lighting applications you can find solar flood lights
Solar powered lights come in a wide variety of designs. Most of today’s solar lights use LED technology. Ultra bright LEDs are ideal for solar lighting applications because of their low energy consumption and illumination characteristics
More information on http://www.risen-solarlight.com
About the Author:
solar light
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Solar powered lights
How to Stop Prank Callers
Author: Gerry RestriveraOur privacy is very important to us especially when we are at the comfort of our homes and any intrusion of our privacy will irritate or scared us. For instance, if you are bothered by prank callers it will make u feel disturbed, annoyed and scared at some degree. If you received prank calls you’ll be annoyed that someone out there you don’t know has access to your personal number and you’ll never feel safe again. Here are some tips to stop prank callers.
To stop prank callers do not engage in a conversation. If you don’t know the caller, hang up immediately and do not give details about you or your family. If you entertain the calls and give them your attention and time, they will continue disturbing you and you will find it hard to stop prank callers.
Inform the police to scare away and stop prank callers. There are crimes, break-ins and kidnappings that started only with a silly prank call. Inform the authorities especially when the caller is harassing or threatening you. Explain to them why you are annoyed and scared. The authorities have procedures for dealing and solving these situations to stop prank callers.
Trace the call to stop prank callers. The best way to trace a call is through caller ID. Almost all phones have this feature and it would be easy to trace the caller. If you don’t have a caller ID on your phone you can ask the help of the phone companies. If you are receiving prank calls you can ask your phone company to help you trace the caller, they have trace capabilities.
Perform phone reverse look up. Once you obtained the prank callers phone number, you can conduct a phone reverse look up. It will tell you the name of the caller, where the number is located, the phone company and the address of the owner. This information is very helpful when you report to the authorities’ incidence of anonymous calls that violates your privacy and worst threatens you and your family.
Take prank callers seriously and take the appropriate action to stop prank callers. Remember that you and your family’s safety are at stake and there is no excuse not to deal with this situation and stop prank callers. Violent crimes do starts with just a simple call from strangers. Always be alert and clever.
You can conduct an instant reverse phone lookup visit Reverse Phone Detective
To know more about home detective visit All About Home and Family
Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including How to Stop Prank Callers. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - How to Stop Prank Callers
Star Laser Projector
Author: SubHunThe phenomenal advancement of modern-day laser projector, commenced from the idea of a Lava lamp in the early seventies, then it advanced to a disco ball in eighties, and later the technology upgraded to the strobe light. Yet the wheels of innovation in science and technology have not clogged, and the pace has acquired a greater velocity in its approach and advancement.
The current laser projector, has made a greater place in our daily lives, and seems inevitable for all events and gathering, thus, when it is a matter of merry making or marking any exclusive day, the laser projector seems playing its major role, by gracing to the surrounding with its dazzling laser rays.
Primarily, the star laser projector is an electronic gadget that flashes green laser stars along with blue cloud formations, thereby creating an impression to the people that they are surfing in the space.
This latest model projector can be attuned to suffuse the ceiling, walls, floor, to the extent, the side of your hall, adding with a cloud of stars created by green lasers and hollow optics. A motor inside the projector is continuously in motion, swapping the star ground and can be adjusted to exhibit the blue gaseous cloud shapes as large as you may fancy. This latest series of projector also encompasses 2 fitted-in glass lenses that, together with thousands of green lasers and multi-phase diffractive hollow optics, with the overall technical tools will ensure to position a cosmos in front of you.
This scheme of innovation, is entirely an imitation, never make a gaffe by believing, an original assemblage of stars, yet it is something a marvel of creativity, that has brought before you to ease and please you, and intended to provide a scintillating show for the event, or consider it a source of enjoyment, for your leisure time.
About the Author:S. U. B. Hun, provides highly fascinating reviews on most popular technological gadgets, usually like most by users,
for daily use. For more information please visit: www.reviewsbuzz.com
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Star Laser Projector
Tips For Branding Your Restaurant With LED Signs
Author: Jake MorganThere is strong competition amongst restaurants to capture business from customers. Most people nowadays have very busy schedules. These two factors are important to consider when developing marketing strategies for your restaurant.
There has been an increase in household numbers in the US, yet the population has declined. What this means is there has been a dramatic escalation in single person and two person households. These households tend to prepare their own meals less and dine out more often. A recent research study found 32% of Americans dine out two days per week, while 61% eat at restaurants once a week. This translates into a large population segment seeking restaurants that appeal to their tastes and budgets.
Dual house incomes are predicted to continue to grow and, along with that growth, comes a rise in disposable income. Dual income households are likely to have less available time for regular meal preparation and more probable to view restaurants as a convenient and time-saving option. The increase in disposable incomes gives dual income households the ability to dine out more often and/or spend more of their income on restaurant meals.
With the stiff competition in the food service segment, restaurants need to find methods to attract customers. These time-pressed patrons are most likely to be attracted by advertising that tells them instantly what kind of cuisine the restaurant offers, hours of operation or special features about the restaurant's ambiance, such as whether the restaurant is family-oriented, sports-oriented or fast food, mid-scale or fine dining.
This advertising needs to be highly visible to catch the attention of prospective patrons who are driving or walking by the restaurant's location. Merely showcasing a menu often will not be sufficient as people may not have the desire to invest the time to read it.
A new and effective trend in advertising is a LED sign. LEDs were developed by a Russian scientist in the mid 1920's, but have only recently been recognized for their attributes in recent years.
LEDs are the brightest lighting available. They will not fade or flicker as they age. Less than one-half of the electricity is consumed by LEDs compared to neon and incandescent signs.
LEDs are constructed of solid plastic and are extremely durable, whereas neon and incandescent lights are made of thin walled glass and, therefore, quite fragile.
LEDs has a life expectancy of 100,000 hours. Neon and incandescent lights only have a life expectancy of 35,000 hours and 4,000 hours, respectively.
LED signs offer increased options for versatility and programmability than do other types of electronic advertising signage. LED signs can display single or multiple messages and are programmable for multi-message programs. Neon and incandescent signs do not have these options.
LED signs are safer to operate as they use low voltage circuitry and generate less heat than conventional incandescent and fluorescent lights. LED signs can be left on 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, without danger because of the low voltage requirement.
Scrolling LED messages combined with combined movement, light, graphics and text will capture a consumer's eye and curiosity, and restaurants who are innovative in their advertising have an advantage in attracting new patrons, or diners from competing restaurants, who may become repeat regulars.
Get an advantage on competing restaurants today by shopping for an affordable LED restaurant sign at a reputable online LED sign website like Bright LED Signs.com...
Jake Morgan operates the popular BrightLEDSigns.com website where he advises small businesses owners about the advantages of affordable LED Signs. Visit BrightLEDSigns.com today to shop for the top-rated LED Business Signs,
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Tips For Branding Your Restaurant With LED Signs
Drywall Installation for a Better Home in Denver!
Author: Andrew BeeneAchieving a fantastic abode could make you spend lots of money. But being kind of practical and true will set you a difference. An artistic approach with a touch of custom painting will set your home above others in Denver.
There are lots of custom paint designs and approach in Denver that you can give to have your home its classy look. There are custom glazed paints, custom hand textures and also drywall installation in Denver among others.
Glaze painting typically refers to a layer of paint that became visually transparent when thinned using a medium. A glaze can make the surface color cast or even the texture change. Glaze also undergoes drying process, which totally depends on the amount of medium used in the glaze. The more amount of medium used in the glaze, the quicker time it will dry but untouched oil paint will be the longest to dry.
Drywall is necessary for all building projects; it helps you determine which style works for your home. Drywall contractors are competent when it comes to delivering the best service. They will lay you with an ironed project plan and work even on complicated designs including eaves, arches and other architectural features. From hanging, taping and finishing, they will surely get the job done on time.
Every job that seems daunting to you becomes easier when these professionals start applying their knowledge in custom painting and drywall installation using the latest equipment. Drywall installation is not just that easy.
If your walls already have damage and had undergone a series of repairs then you should need to consider other options which can be able to dramatically improve the condition of your walls. You may want to just cover the areas which are causing problems, however this isn't the only option. It pays to know exactly what options are available to you before starting. You can just repair the wall rather than completely renovating your area. This will depend on your unique circumstances. If you have a damage wall then you may want to consider hiring a professional to help you out as this is quite a difficult project.
Fixing the damage in your walls as soon as you notice them would be a great help and solve the problem. Small repair jobs would be a whole lot easier than making the full renovation.
Never start the dry walling project unless your walls are prepared. First sand the wall to achieve smooth surface. Wash also the whole area to wash down all the dust. Dry the wall after washing before starting the rest of the project.
Start painting the room right after you have finished your dry walling. You should spend time choosing the type of paint that you want to use to paint the room. Make sure the paint is dry before letting any person to enter to make sure not to damage your oeuvre!
The author is a registered web copywriter in a web design company associated with a company offering drywall installation Denver.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Drywall Installation for a Better Home in Denver!
Laptop Batteries
Author: jamiehansonLaptop batteries appear in various designs and packages and are defined by the manufacturer, of what kind of Batteries they are utilizing. These Laptop Batteries give power to your Laptop when you are not utilizing Power outwardly. The lifetime and the standby time of these Laptop batteries depend upon the chemistry comprised in the make of these Laptop and as well the handling practice of the clients. The Chemistry of these Laptop Batteries is given by the Laptop manufacturers in their user handbook. One knows how to go through the user handbook and can obtain the chemical composition of their Laptop batteries. The kinds of laptop batteries are never ending. Some examples are as follows: IBM ThinkPad Ni-MH, Compaq Presario R3000/4000 CA/CL Li-Ion, and Dell D620 Li-Ion, simply to name All of these Laptop batteries} are designed for a particular system having some features/shape/size. Earlier most of the Laptop batteries were made of Nickel Cadmium (NiCad), which is a composition of weighty metals. But since it was poor in its Power to Weight ratio it shortly became outdated and lot of makers of Laptops switched over to Ni-MH (Nickel Metal Hydride). In addition the NiCad batteries wasn't eco-friendly and their dumping causes harm the surroundings also. These Ni-MH batteries confirmed a improved Power to Weight ratio than NiCad batteries, yet again it showed the dilemma of Memory Losses and so most of the manufacturers again shifted themselves from Ni-MH to Li-Ion which we still utilize today. These Li-Ion batteries showed the improved Battery backup features and longer lifetime as well. Owing to this majority of the Laptop manufacturing companies like HP, Dell, Sony Toshiba etc shifted themselves from Ni-MH to Li-Ion Batteries. These Li-Ion batteries have a smooth charging feature and as well discharges very gradually, as a result giving improved Power Backup, additionally its Power to Weight ratio is extremely less which makes the Laptop as a whole much lighter than earlier Laptops. The next thing on which the duration of the battery and as well their Standby time depends on the handling practice of the client. There are plenty of measures of utilizing the laptops and when they are pursued, these batteries will have a long duration and as well Standby time. One thing to be mentioned is that never attempt to utilize these Laptop in too cool place and in too hot place, this is so, as these batteries will discharge quickly when used in such conditions. So always try to utilize them in normal room temperatures. This will assist them to discharge smoothly and keep giving power to your Laptop for long.
About the Author:Sells Laptop and notebook batteries at discounted prices. Includes popular Dell batteries, HP battery, Compaq battery, Presario batteries, IBM Thinkpad batteries, Dell Inspiron and Latitude battery, Sony vaio batteries and more.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Laptop Batteries
Laptop Computers - Upgrade Or Replace?
Laptop computers are great. They offer convenience and flexibility to anyone who depends on a computer for their livelihood. They are also prone to annoying problems like the ones I've experienced lately. Here are just a few examples from the ongoing saga of my laptop:
• I had two instances of my Web browser open, along with a couple of other applications. As I ALT-Tabbed between apps, the ALT-Tab window - the one that displays all the open applications for you to move to - froze, front and center, on my screen. As I tried valiantly to work, the little window obstructed my view. When I happened to shut down one instance of my browser, the thing went away.
• I had one thin line on my monitor. It's like some pixels went missing or something. A few weeks later, another line appeared. If this keeps going, I imagine I'll lose a good portion of my screen by the end of the year.
• The battery conks out after less than 2 hours.
So, the question I'm left with is: should I upgrade my laptop or replace it?
Upgrading Laptop Computers - Pros and Potential Cons
The main benefit of upgrading is cost. Instead of paying for a brand new machine, I could just by a memory stick for a fraction of the price and hope that solves my problem. Memory is cheap. Refurbished memory is even cheaper. I know because my machine is ancient and, needing to look around for the right kind of memory, I checked a reseller.
For most people, memory upgrades are enough to boost performance, if performance is the real issue.
The potential con of an upgrade is that it may not fix the problem. So I could end up spending money on memory and lots of time trying to figure out how to install it, only to discover that my problem isn't fixed.
Buying a New Laptop - Pros and Potential Cons
Money is also the main concern with buying a new laptop, but in this case, money is a "con", not a "pro". The costs of replacing technology can be significant for any business, big or small. Yes, it would be nice to have a new computer, and one that could actually handle running more than one application at a time, but is it better to take my chances on a memory upgrade? Is a new laptop affordable?
If you are in a similar situation to mine and you want an answer to that last question, here's some advice. Look closely at your current and future needs. Make sure you consider a laptop that has room for expansion, in case you find yourself in this same situation a few years from now.
Laptop computers come in a wide range of sizes, from tiny netbooks to huge desktop replacements. Take a look at the price ranges for the specs you need. It can't hurt to take a peek at the secondary market too. Used and refurbished laptop computers work as well as new ones - albeit with fewer bells and whistles due to their age.
Like all technology, laptop computers are a blessing and a curse. They make life easier, but they also make it a lot more expensive. Before you jump into a new purchase for your old laptop, be sure to research the possibility of upgrading. If you decide to buy, do your homework. Study the laptop computers on offer and choose the one that suits your work style and your budget.
About the Author:
For more information on Laptop Computer Specials or Battery Life visit itxchange
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Laptop Computers - Upgrade Or Replace?
The Advantages of Using a Colour Laser Printer
One of the problems that people face is not just deciding on which brand of printer to buy, but also what type of printer. Laser printers have existed for so long, but their price never fell underneath the tempting budget models of BubbleJet printers and other attractively priced units. Many people often believe that these laser printers are best for office use since they print faster, while home users would rather pay less and be patient instead. However there are various other advantages of colour laser printers over the other types available.
Less Frequent Ink Replacements
Ink replacements can not only add costs to a cheap printer, but they can also cause more inconvenience when a replacement ink cartridge is required, but not always readily available. While the installation of toners in laser printers is slightly more complex depending on the model, you will find these won't need replacing as often.
Bigger Savings in the Long Run
Buying that inexpensive coloured printer can undoubtedly save you money compared to getting a good laser printer. But if you start using it too often, you may find yourself spending more on ink cartridges and the expenses expanding since you always need a constant supply of coloured ink for continuous printing. Laser printers will save a lot more since they can printer more pages per supply toner.
Better Image Quality
Printers that use the traditional ink cartridge usually have worse quality than the standard laser printers. High end laser printers make a very noticeable difference in terms of colour accuracy and overall quality.
Faster Printing Speeds
When hundreds of pages need to be printed, the printer needs to work constantly to get each page printed swiftly. Regular printers have to go through a lot of work getting that done which can wear down the model. Whilst, laser printers can do this with ease and the users only need to wait a fraction of the time.
Less Prone to Errors
Some laser printers can be faulty, but better models can outperform the traditional models in terms of stability. No more getting a headache with those annoying paper jams that can sometimes be difficult to fix. Leaks and spillages are also less likely since a laser is being used for printing, which can significantly lower maintenance costs as well.
Easier to Use and Setup
Placing the paper properly in a regular printer can be a time-consuming step because of the chances of paper jam. Since laser printers have a more box-like design, papers are usually fed into the printer while lying flat giving a sure chance that the page will print properly. Since there are more electronics involved in laser printers, some models have LCD screens to aid in operation making it easier for people to use.
These are just some of the common advantages that are found in most coloured printers. There are even more advantages to some of the top selling models in the market which should be worth getting, especially for people that use their printer every day.
About the Author:
Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who writes for a number of UK businesses. For a wide range of printers and products by brand, he recommends Printware Ltd, a leading provider of Colour Laser Printers.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - The Advantages of Using a Colour Laser Printer
The Benefits of Completing a Network Audit
Author: Derek RogersThe benefits of completing a network audit on your computer network are numerous. Not only does it help keep your computer network at optimal condition through analyzing power consumption, needed equipment upgrades or security issues, but can help establish an asset base and future cash flow needs for equipment and office space planning.
Typically, the benefits of completing a network audit can keep you informed of versions of software and licenses to help detect shortages or plan mass upgrades. Network audits can locate hard drives, network adapters, CPU details, motherboard specifications and peripherals and detect security issues, such as where antivirus or firewalls need to be installed.
Typically, one of the benefits of completing a network audit is to give you a comprehensive, no-hassle network inventory database that is extremely helpful in determining future needs when it comes to hardware and software. Another benefit of a network audit, is analyzing security needs, which is especially important to keep from costly downtime, or complete data loss, especially on large and scattered out networks.
Since many networks are built over a period of time by adding additional offices, computers and software, it can become difficult to determine whether upgrades will be easy and affordable or costly and lengthy, if you don't have a network audit. Sometimes, cost is a factor when thinking about upgrades, keeping up with new technology and a network audit can give a full picture of future needs in keeping your network efficient.
Certain businesses have government regulations in place that require them to protect secured and private information, such as credit card numbers, or whether your emails should be encrypted, for example. Depending on your business, a security breach could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, if a hacker gets hold of confidential information that was entrusted to you for a transaction from a customer.
Through a network audit, any possible areas where breaches could occur can be uncovered and dealt with. In a time where so much business is transacted over the Internet, security is of utmost importance, and the benefits of a network audit can help ensure that you are in compliance with protecting information, especially if you transmit financial transactions electronically.
Network audit can analyze physical networks, such as routers, telecom equipment, network switches and ports, as well as audit capacity management, configurations and network database populations, in the case of remote users. A network audit should be performed by an expert in the field that have in-depth telecom knowledge and comprehensive network audit experience.
This is not a field for amateurs, although there are some programs on the market that are do-it-yourself network audit software packages, which might be fine for a small office or home network audit.
If you have a number of computers or locations, a more comprehensive network audit would be needed to get sound advice on assets, upgrades, future needs and technological advancement options, in addition to security needs.
The benefits of completing a network audit are many, but they are necessary to assess future expenses and security breach weaknesses for businesses that handle sensitive information electronically.
Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who writes for a number of UK businesses. For Auditing Services, he recommends Network 24, a leading network auditor.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - The Benefits of Completing a Network Audit